Contact options

To contact A. Gelbukh, please see the contact options here.

To contact a conference or CFP, please check the corresponding website for the address. Even if the site does not mention this, the addresses must include the year of the conference. For example, an address like or will not be read; use instead to contact the CICLing 2005 program chairs, and similarly to contact MICAI 2005 administration, etc. (i.e., add the year of the conference that you want to contact).

Old conferences are not supported -- i.e., addresses containing past years may not work. If you still need to contact the organizers of a past conference but the address does not work (try it first!), then contact either an organizer (e.g., A. Gelbukh) or the current conference (use the current year in the address), but please very clearly indicate in your message what conference it is about.

I apologize for the trouble and appreciate your understanding.

Alexander Gelbukh